Behavior & Configuration

Untrusted WebUI Certificate

  • qBittorrent allows you to configure HTTPS with an untrusted certificate; this commonly includes self-signed certificates.
  • When using such a certificate, instantiate Client with VERIFY_WEBUI_CERTIFICATE=False or set environment variable PYTHON_QBITTORRENTAPI_DO_NOT_VERIFY_WEBUI_CERTIFICATE to a non-null value.
  • Failure to do this for will cause connections to qBittorrent to fail.
  • As a word of caution, doing this actually does turn off certificate verification. Therefore, for instance, potential man-in-the-middle attacks will not be detected and reported (since the error is suppressed). However, the connection will remain encrypted.

Host, Username and Password

  • These can be provided when instantiating Client or calling qbt_client.auth_log_in(username='...', password='...').

Custom HTTP Headers

  • To send a custom HTTP header in all requests made from an instantiated client, declare them during instantiation.
    • qbt_client = Client(..., EXTRA_HEADERS={'X-My-Fav-Header': 'header value')
  • Alternatively, you can send custom headers in individual requests.
    • qbt_client.torrents.add(..., headers={'X-My-Fav-Header': 'header value')
    • These headers will be merged with other headers otherwise configured to be sent.

Unimplemented API Endpoints

  • Since the qBittorrent Web API has evolved over time, some endpoints may not be available from the qBittorrent host.
  • By default, if a call is made to endpoint that doesn’t exist for the version of the qBittorrent host (e.g., the Search endpoints were introduced in Web API v2.1.1), there’s a debug logger output and None is returned.
  • To raise NotImplementedError instead, instantiate Client with RAISE_NOTIMPLEMENTEDERROR_FOR_UNIMPLEMENTED_API_ENDPOINTS=True.

Disable Logging Debug Output

  • Instantiate Client with DISABLE_LOGGING_DEBUG_OUTPUT=True or manually disable logging for the relevant packages:

    • logging.getLogger('qbittorrentapi').setLevel(logging.INFO)
    • logging.getLogger('requests').setLevel(logging.INFO)
    • logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.INFO)